House Cleaning Schedule For Working Moms

The Ultimate House Cleaning Schedule For Working Moms

As a working mom, balancing career and family responsibilities can often feel like a never-ending juggling act. With a hectic schedule and multiple demands, it can be challenging to find time for household tasks, especially when it comes to cleaning.

The constant struggle of trying to maintain a clean and organized home while also managing a career and family can leave many working moms feeling overwhelmed and stressed. However, with the right approach and a well-planned schedule, it is possible to achieve a tidy and comfortable living space without sacrificing precious time and energy.

House cleaning schedule for working moms we will present the ultimate house cleaning schedule specifically designed for busy working moms. It will provide practical tips and strategies to help you efficiently and effectively maintain a clean and clutter-free home, allowing you to enjoy a more balanced and stress-free life.

House Cleaning Schedule For Working Moms

How Do Working Moms Keep A Clean Home?

How Do Working Moms Keep A Clean Home

Keeping a clean home can be a challenge for working moms who often have limited time and energy. However, with some planning and organization, it is possible to maintain a clean and tidy living space. Remember, maintaining a perfectly clean home may not always be realistic, especially for busy working moms. Focus on creating a comfortable and functional living environment rather than striving for perfection. Here are some tips to help working moms keep a clean home:

  1. Establish A Cleaning Routine: Create a schedule that includes specific tasks to be completed each day or week. This will help you stay on track and prevent chores from piling up.
  2. Delegate Tasks: Get your family involved in the cleaning process. Assign age-appropriate chores to your children and enlist your partner’s help with household tasks. Sharing the workload will make it more manageable.
  3. Prioritize Tasks: Focus on the most important cleaning tasks first, such as tidying up common areas, doing laundry, and washing dishes. Leave less critical tasks for when you have more time or energy.
  4. Multitask When Possible: Look for opportunities to combine cleaning with other activities. For example, you can listen to an audiobook or catch up on your favorite TV show while folding laundry or doing dishes.
  5. Use Efficient Cleaning Products: Invest in time-saving cleaning tools and products that can help you get the job done more quickly and effectively. For example, using microfiber cloths can make dusting faster, and using a robot vacuum can save you time on daily floor cleaning.

Daily House Cleaning Schedule For Working Moms

Daily House Cleaning Schedule For Working Moms

As a working mom, finding time to keep your house clean can be a challenge. However, with a daily house cleaning schedule in place, you can stay on top of the household chores without feeling overwhelmed. Here is a sample daily house cleaning schedule for working moms:

1. Morning:

  • Make beds
  • Wipe down bathroom surfaces
  • Empty dishwasher

2. Afternoon:

  • Tidy up living areas
  • Sweep or vacuum floors
  • Do a quick wipe down of kitchen countertops and appliances

3. Evening:

  • Clean up after dinner
  • Put away toys and clutter
  • Do a load of laundry

By breaking down the cleaning tasks into smaller, manageable chunks, you can easily maintain a clean and organized home while balancing work and family responsibilities. Remember to involve your family members in the cleaning process and delegate tasks whenever possible to lighten your load.

Before Work:

  • Make bed(s) – 5 minutes
  • Start a load of laundry – 3 minutes
  • Fold laundry from the day before – 5 minutes
  • Unload dishwasher from the night before – 5 minutes
  • Clean up from breakfast – 7 minutes

After Work:

  • Speedy sweep/vaccum – 5 minutes
  • Switch laundry to dryer – 2 minutes
  • Organize mail/school/work papers – 3 minutes
  • Clean up dinner and start dishwasher – 15 minutes

Before Bedtime:

Before bedtime is an important time for working moms to tackle some house cleaning tasks. By taking a few minutes each evening to tidy up, you can wake up to a clean and organized home. Some tasks to consider before bedtime include:

  • Clearing and wiping down kitchen countertops
  • Loading the dishwasher and starting it
  • Putting away any toys or clutter in the living areas
  • Doing a quick sweep or vacuum of high-traffic areas
  • Taking out the trash or recycling

By incorporating these tasks into your nightly routine, you can keep your home looking its best without feeling overwhelmed. Plus, waking up to a clean space can help set a positive tone for the day ahead.

Weekly Cleaning Schedule For Busy Moms

Weekly Cleaning Schedule For Busy Moms

As a working mom, finding time to keep your house clean can be a real challenge. That’s why having a weekly cleaning schedule is so important. By breaking down your cleaning tasks into manageable chunks, you can stay on top of household chores without feeling overwhelmed. Here is an example of a weekly cleaning schedule that can help busy moms maintain a clean and organized home:

  1. Monday: Laundry day. Wash, dry, and fold all the laundry.
  2. Tuesday: Kitchen deep clean. Scrub countertops, clean appliances, and mop the floors.
  3. Wednesday: Bathroom blitz. Clean toilets, sinks, showers, and mirrors.
  4. Thursday: Dusting day. Dust all surfaces, including furniture and shelves.
  5. Friday: Vacuuming and mopping. Vacuum carpets and rugs, then mop hard floors.
  6. Saturday: Decluttering session. Tidy up common areas and put things back in their place.
  7. Sunday: Deep clean task(s) from your monthly cleaning schedule

Remember, this is just a guide – feel free to adjust it based on your preferences and schedule. The key is to find a routine that works for you so that you can maintain a clean and organized home while managing the demands of work and family life.

Monthly Deep Cleaning Schedule

Monthly Deep Cleaning Schedule

Creating a monthly deep cleaning schedule can be a helpful way for working moms to stay on top of household chores and maintain a clean and organized home. While daily and weekly cleaning tasks are essential for day-to-day tidiness, monthly deep cleaning tasks focus on areas that may not require regular attention but still need occasional deep cleaning. Some tasks to consider including in your monthly deep cleaning schedule are:

1st Week Cleaning Schedule

  • De-cobweb/dusting high surfaces (e.g., ceiling fans, tops of china cabinets, etc.)
  • Wash doors and door trims
  • Wash, dust blinds & windowsills
  • Fridge and freezer deep clean
  • Clean and declutter kitchen cabinets/drawers

2nd Week Cleaning Schedule

  • Deep clean inside oven
  • Wash blankets, bath mats, and rugs
  • Vacuum under hard-to-reach areas (couches, furniture, etc.)
  • Vaccum dust from vents

3rd Week Cleaning Schedule

  • Wipe down the outside of all kitchen/bathroom cabinets
  • Wash inside of trashcans (inside home and outdoor cans)
  • Vacuum garage, basement, shed, etc.
  • Organize all closets (master bedroom, hall, linen, etc.)

4th Week Cleaning Schedule

  • Clean the inside of the washing machine and dryer (vaccum the lint trap)
  • Organize and declutter toys/crafts
  • Organize and declutter office/mail
  • Deep clean dishwasher (inside the trap area and wipe down entire bottom and surface areas)

Tips For Cleaning As A Working Mom

Tips For Cleaning As A Working Mom

Cleaning can be a challenge for working moms who are juggling multiple responsibilities. However, with some planning and organization, it is possible to maintain a clean and tidy home. By following these tips, you can create a cleaning routine that works for you as a working mom, allowing you to enjoy a tidy home without sacrificing precious time with your family. Here are some tips for cleaning as a working mom:

  1. Create A Schedule: Set aside specific days or times each week for different cleaning tasks. For example, Mondays can be used for vacuuming, Tuesdays for dusting, and so on. This way, you can break down the cleaning into manageable chunks and avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  2. Delegate Tasks: Get your family involved in the cleaning process. Assign age-appropriate chores to your children and enlist your partner’s help as well. Sharing the workload will not only make things easier for you but also teach your children valuable life skills.
  3. Multitask: Look for opportunities to clean while doing other activities. For example, you can wipe down counters while waiting for water to boil or fold laundry while watching TV. By combining cleaning tasks with other daily activities, you can make the most of your time.
  4. Simplify And Declutter: Minimize clutter by regularly purging items you no longer need or use. Having less stuff means less to clean and organize, making the process more manageable.
  5. Set Realistic Expectations: It’s important to remember that perfection is not attainable, especially when balancing work and family life. Focus on maintaining a clean and comfortable living space rather than striving for perfection.


To sum up, finding a balance between work and home responsibilities can be challenging for working moms. However, with an organized cleaning schedule, it is possible to maintain a clean and tidy home. By breaking down tasks into daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning schedules, you can ensure that your home stays clean without feeling overwhelmed.

Additionally, it’s important to remember that you don’t have to do everything on your own. Enlist the help of family members or consider hiring a professional cleaning service to lighten the load. With these tips and a little bit of planning, you can create a clean and comfortable living environment for you and your family, even as a busy working mom. We hope you now understand house cleaning schedule for working moms.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.How Do Working Moms Keep Their House Clean?

Ans: Working moms can maintain a clean home by creating a personalized schedule that fits their needs. Prioritizing tasks and breaking them into manageable chunks can make cleaning more manageable. Delegating tasks to family members can also help lighten the load. Remember, it’s important to give yourself a break and not be too hard on yourself.

2.How Do You Keep A Clean House With Kids And A Full Time Job?

Ans: To keep a clean house with kids and a full-time job, prioritize tasks and create a cleaning schedule that suits your lifestyle. Involve your children in age-appropriate cleaning chores to teach responsibility and maintain tidiness. Consider hiring a cleaning service for deep cleans or help with time-consuming tasks. Stay consistent and clean up messes promptly to prevent them from piling up.

3.How Can I Keep My House Clean If I Work Full Time?

Ans: Maintaining a clean home while working full-time can be challenging. To keep things in order, create a cleaning schedule that suits your lifestyle. Break tasks into smaller chunks and consider delegating or hiring help. Implement time-saving hacks like multitasking and regular decluttering to stay on top of chores.

4.What Is A Good House Cleaning Schedule?

Ans: A good house cleaning schedule depends on your lifestyle and household needs. Establish a daily routine for tidying up and staying organized. Include weekly tasks like vacuuming, dusting, and cleaning bathrooms. Don’t forget about monthly or seasonal deep cleaning tasks such as washing windows and decluttering.

5.How Do Working Moms Keep A Clean Home?

Ans: Maintaining a clean home as a working mom requires prioritization and delegation. Schedule cleaning tasks based on your family’s needs and involve everyone in the process. Consider hiring professionals for deep cleanings or when time is limited. Use efficient methods and products to save time and energy.

Adam Kelley

Meet Adam Kelley, the cleaning aficionado behind Cleaning. With a passion for pristine spaces, Adam Kelley shares expert tips on Bathroom, Kitchen, and Whole House Cleaning. Join the journey to a spotless home – where cleaning becomes a lifestyle, not just a chore.

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