A clean and organized home is a dream for many parents, but when you add kids to the equation, it can feel like an impossible task. From toys scattered on the floor to never-ending piles of laundry, maintaining a tidy house can seem like an uphill battle.

However, with the right strategies and mindset, it is possible to keep a clean house even with the chaos of kids. We will discuss practical tips and tricks to help you how to keep house clean with kids.

From establishing a cleaning routine to involving your children in household tasks, we will explore effective ways to keep your house clean with kids. So, put away the stress and embrace the mess because, with the right approach, you can have a clean and happy home that works for both you and your little ones.

How To Keep House Clean With Kids

10 Tips On How To Keep House Clean With Kids

10 Tips On How To Keep House Clean With Kids

Maintaining a clean and organized household can be a daunting task, especially when children are added to the equation. However, it is crucial to learn and implement effective strategies for keeping a house clean with kids. There are several reasons why this knowledge is important.

Maintaining cleanliness ensures a safe and healthy environment for both children and adults. Children are more susceptible to illnesses and infections, and a dirty living space can exacerbate these risks. By keeping the house clean, parents can reduce the chances of their children falling ill and promote their overall well-being. Here, we will discuss how to keep house clean with kids.

1.Declutter Once, Then Declutter Regularly

Maintaining a clean and organized home can be a daunting task, especially when you have children. However, with the right strategies in place, it is possible to keep your house clean and clutter-free. The first step is to declutter your living space. Take the time to go through each room and get rid of items that are no longer needed or used.

This initial decluttering session will help create a clean slate and make it easier to keep things organized moving forward. Once you have decluttered, it is important to establish a routine for regular tidying up. Please encourage your children to participate in this process by assigning them age-appropriate tasks. Teach them the importance of tidiness and instill good habits early on. Set aside a designated time each day to tidy up and put things back in their rightful place.

2.Rotate Toys Or Create A Toy Checkout System

Rotate Toys Or Create A Toy Checkout System

Maintaining a clean and organized house can be quite challenging, especially when you have children. However, some strategies can help you keep your house clean and clutter-free, even with little ones running around. One effective approach is to rotate toys or create a toy checkout system.

This not only promotes a sense of order but also ensures that your children have a variety of toys to play with without overwhelming the space. To implement the toy rotation system, start by categorizing your children’s toys into different groups.

For instance, you can separate them based on age appropriateness or type of play. Then, designate specific periods, such as every month or every few weeks, to swap out the toys. By doing so, you create a sense of novelty and excitement for your children while preventing a buildup of toys in your living area.

3.Keep Baskets And Racks Kid-Accessible

Regarding maintaining a clean and organized house while raising children. It is essential to implement strategies that prioritize efficiency and accessibility. One effective approach is to keep baskets and racks kid-accessible throughout the living space.

By strategically placing these storage solutions, parents can encourage their children to tidy up after themselves while also making it easier for them to access their belongings. Baskets and racks can be placed in various areas of the house, such as the living room, playroom, and bedrooms.

These storage solutions can be designated for specific items, such as toys, books, or even shoes. By keeping these baskets and racks at a height that is reachable for children, it promotes a sense of ownership and responsibility.

4.Establish Cleaning Routines

Establishing cleaning routines is essential, especially when you have kids. Maintaining a clean and organized home can seem like an uphill battle. But with the right strategies, it is not an impossible task. The key lies in setting up effective cleaning routines that can help you keep your house clean while managing the chaos that comes with having children.

One of the first steps in establishing cleaning routines is to create a schedule that works for your family. This schedule should include specific tasks to be done daily, weekly, and monthly. By breaking down the cleaning tasks into manageable chunks, you can ensure that nothing gets overlooked.

5.Clear Your Surfaces

Clear Your Surfaces

Keeping a clean and organized house can be quite challenging, especially when you have kids running around. However, with a few simple strategies, it is possible to maintain a tidy living space while still allowing your children to have fun and be themselves.

One effective method is to clear your surfaces regularly. By this, we mean keeping countertops, tables, and other flat surfaces free from clutter. Encourage your kids to put away their toys and belongings after using them, teaching them the importance of cleanliness and responsibility.

6.Create Systems To Corral Clutter Until It Can Be Put Away Quickly

In order to maintain a clean and organized home, especially with the presence of children, it is essential to create systems that effectively corral clutter until it can be properly put away. With a few simple strategies and a commitment to consistency, it is possible to achieve a harmonious living environment without sacrificing quality time with your little ones.

One effective method is to designate specific areas or containers for different types of clutter. For example, having a designated bin for toys, a basket for shoes, and a tray for mail can help prevent random items from piling up around the house. Assigning a specific place for each item not only makes it easier to locate things when needed but also encourages everyone in the household to take responsibility for keeping their belongings tidy.

7.Teach Kids How To Clean Their Rooms

Teach Kids How To Clean Their Rooms

Teaching children the importance of keeping their rooms clean is an essential life skill that will benefit them as they grow older. It not only promotes a sense of responsibility but also fosters good habits that can be carried into adulthood. When it comes to maintaining a clean and organized house with kids, it is important to establish a routine and set clear expectations.

One effective approach is to involve children in the cleaning process from a young age. By teaching them age-appropriate tasks, such as making their bed, putting away toys, and dusting surfaces, they will develop a sense of ownership over their space. It is crucial to explain to children the reasons behind keeping their rooms clean, emphasizing the importance of hygiene, order, and respect for their belongings.

8.Fold Clothes The Kon-Mari Way

In today’s fast-paced world, keeping a clean and organized home can be a challenge, especially when you have children. However, there are practical strategies that can help you maintain a tidy living space while juggling the demands of parenting. One such technique is the Kon-Mari method, which emphasizes decluttering and organizing belongings in a way that brings joy and harmony to your home.

When it comes to folding clothes, the Kon-Mari way offers a revolutionary approach. Instead of the traditional method of stacking clothes one on top of the other, Marie Kondo, the renowned organizational expert, suggests folding clothes in a way that allows them to stand upright. This not only maximizes storage space but also allows for easy visibility and access to each item.

9.Let Your Kids Organize Their Stuff

Let Your Kids Organize Their Stuff

One effective way to keep your house clean when you have kids is to encourage them to take responsibility for organizing their belongings. By letting your kids take charge of their stuff, you not only teach them valuable life skills but also help maintain a clean and organized living space.

Start by setting clear expectations and establishing age-appropriate tasks. For younger children, it may be as simple as putting away their toys after playtime. Older kids can be responsible for tidying their rooms, folding laundry, or even helping with basic household chores.

10.Remove Dumping Temptations From Toddlers

As parents, we all know that keeping a clean and organized house can be quite a challenge, especially when you have toddlers running around. It seems like no matter how many times we clean up. There is always a new mess waiting to be made.

However, with a few simple strategies, we can remove dumping temptations from toddlers and maintain a clean and clutter-free home. One effective way to keep your house clean with kids is to establish clear rules and boundaries. Teach your toddlers where their toys belong and encourage them to put them back after playing. By instilling this habit at a young age, you are helping them develop a sense of responsibility and organization.


Keeping a clean house with kids can seem like an impossible task, but with some planning, organization, and patience, it can be achieved. By involving children in age-appropriate tasks and setting expectations and routines, a clean and tidy home can become a shared responsibility among the whole family.

Remember also to prioritize quality time with your children and not let the stress of a perfectly clean house overshadow the joys of parenthood. With these tips and a positive attitude, you can create a clean and happy home for your family. If you read the above outline properly, we hope you now understand how to keep house clean with kids.


1.How Can I Keep My House Clean With Kids?

Ans: Establish a routine where everyone pitches in, assigning age-appropriate chores to your children. Teach them the importance of tidying up after themselves and make it fun by turning cleaning into a game or competition.

2.What Are Some Practical Tips For Maintaining Cleanliness With Kids?

Ans: Utilize storage solutions to keep toys and belongings organized. Set clear expectations and rules regarding cleanliness, such as cleaning up after meals and before bedtime. Regularly declutter and donate or discard items that are no longer needed.

3.How Can I Encourage My Children To Be Responsible For Keeping The House Clean?

Ans: Lead by example and demonstrate good cleaning habits. Praise and reward your children for their efforts, helping them develop a sense of pride and responsibility. Involve them in decision-making regarding household chores to give them a sense of ownership and empowerment.

4.How Can I Keep My House Clean With Kids Running Around?

Ans: One strategy is to establish a daily cleaning routine that involves everyone in the household. Assign age-appropriate chores to your children, such as picking up toys or dusting surfaces, and make it a fun activity to encourage their participation.

5.What Can I Do To Prevent A Messy House When Kids Are Playing?

Ans: Implement designated play areas and storage solutions to keep toys organized. Teach your children the importance of cleaning up after themselves and make it a habit for them to put away toys before moving on to the next activity.