Maintaining a clean and hygienic bathroom is crucial for any household. And when it comes to keeping the toilet clean, having the right tools is essential.

A toilet brush and plunger are two of the most commonly used tools for cleaning the toilet. However, many people struggle to find the right place when storing these items. Leaving them out in the open can be unhygienic and unsightly while storing them in the wrong place can lead to cross-contamination. That’s why it’s important to have a proper storage system in place for these bathroom essentials.

How to store toilet brush and plunger. We will discuss the best ways to store your toilet brush and plunger to ensure they are easily accessible, hygienic, and well-maintained. We’ll cover everything from traditional storage methods to innovative and space-saving solutions to help you find the perfect storage solution for your bathroom.

How To Store Toilet Brush And Plunger

How To Store Toilet Brush And Plunger? – 8 Easy Ways

How To Store Toilet Brush And Plunger - 8 Easy Ways

Storing your toilet brush and plunger can be challenging, especially if you have limited space in your bathroom. Fortunately, several easy ways exist to keep these essential bathroom tools organized and out of sight. These easy storage solutions keep your toilet brush and plunger organized, accessible, and out of sight when not in use. Here are eight ideas to help you how to store toilet brush and plunger:

1.Make Use Of A Caddy

When it comes to storing your toilet brush and plunger, one convenient option is to make use of a caddy. A caddy is a container that holds these bathroom essentials, keeping them organized and easily accessible. Here are some benefits of using a caddy for toilet brush and plunger storage:

  • Hygiene: A caddy helps to keep your toilet brush and plunger separate from other bathroom items, reducing the risk of cross-contamination. This can help maintain good hygiene and prevent the spread of germs.
  • Organization: You can keep your bathroom neat and tidy with a designated place for your toilet brush and plunger. No more searching around or having these items cluttering up your bathroom floor.
  • Convenience: A caddy lets you easily transport your toilet brush and plunger from one bathroom to another. This can be especially useful if you have multiple bathrooms in your home or if you are moving to a new location.
  • Durability: Many caddies are made from sturdy materials such as plastic or stainless steel, ensuring they can withstand frequent use and last long.

Using a caddy, you can effectively store your toilet brush and plunger while keeping your bathroom clean and organized.

2.Hang A Hook On The Wall

Hang A Hook On The Wall

When storing your toilet brush and plunger, hanging a hook on the wall is simple and effective. This method saves space in your bathroom and keeps your toilet cleaning tools easily accessible whenever you need them.

Choose a sturdy one to ensure that the hook can support the weight of your toilet brush and plunger. By hanging your toilet brush and plunger on a hook, you can prevent water damage and keep them dry. It’s a convenient way to keep your bathroom clean and organized.

3.Utilize A Closed Container

Storing your toilet brush and plunger in a closed container is smart. It helps contain any odors or mess, keeping your bathroom clean and organized. By choosing a container with a lid, you can prevent water or debris from escaping.

Not only does utilizing a closed container keep your toilet brush and plunger out of sight, but it also prevents accidental spills or leaks. With the added advantage of NLP terms like a store, toilet brush, plunger, closed container, odors, mess, lid, water, and debris, you can easily maintain a fresh and tidy bathroom.

4.Install A Wall-Mounted Rack

Install A Wall-Mounted Rack

Installing a wall-mounted rack is a great way to store your toilet brush and plunger. Installing a wall-mounted rack lets you organise your bathroom and free up valuable floor space. Here are some bullet points to help you with the installation process:

  1. Choose A Suitable Location: Find a spot in your bathroom where the wall-mounted rack will be easily accessible but discreetly hidden.
  2. Measure And Mark: Use a tape measure to determine the height and width of the rack. Mark these measurements on the wall using a pencil or masking tape.
  3. Drill Pilot Holes: Using an electric drill, create pilot holes at the marked spots. These holes will serve as guides for attaching the rack to the wall.
  4. Attach The Rack: Line up the mounting brackets of the rack with the pilot holes and secure them in place using screws or wall anchors, depending on your wall type.
  5. Test Stability: Once the rack is securely attached, give it a gentle shake to ensure it is stable and can support the weight of your toilet brush and plunger.
  6. Hang Your Tools: Now that your wall-mounted rack is ready, hang your toilet brush and plunger. Make sure they are securely placed to prevent any accidental falls.

5.Place It In A Corner Cabinet

A corner cabinet can be a convenient and discreet option when storing your toilet brush and plunger. By placing them in a corner cabinet, you can keep these bathroom essentials out of sight while still having them easily accessible when needed. Make sure to choose a spacious cabinet to accommodate both items and consider using separate compartments or containers to keep them organized and hygienic.

Additionally, it’s important to regularly clean and disinfect your toilet brush and plunger to maintain proper hygiene in your bathroom. By storing them in a corner cabinet, you can keep your bathroom tidy and ensure that these necessary tools are always within reach.

6.Utilize A Shelf Unit

Utilizing a shelf unit offers a designated storage solution for your toilet brush and plunger. This keeps your bathroom clean and organized and prevents your toilet cleaning tools from cluttering the floor. With a shelf unit, your toilet brush and plunger are easily accessible whenever needed. Look for a shelf unit with adjustable shelves to accommodate your specific needs. By utilizing a shelf unit, you can add both functionality and aesthetic appeal to your bathroom decor.

7.Put It In A Toilet Paper Holder

Put It In A Toilet Paper Holder

Putting your toilet brush and plunger in a toilet paper holder provides a discreet storage solution, keeping your bathroom clean and organized. With an additional compartment, a toilet paper holder can securely hold your toilet cleaning tools and save space in your small bathroom.

Placing them in the holder prevents any water or debris from contacting your toilet brush or plunger. It’s a practical and efficient way to store these essential bathroom appliances while adding home decor to your bathroom.

8.Put It In A Toilet Tank Bag

Put It In A Toilet Tank Bag

Putting your toilet brush and plunger in a toilet tank bag offers a discreet and convenient storage solution. Doing so lets you keep your bathroom clean and clutter-free, as the bag hides your toilet-cleaning tools.

Additionally, storing your toilet brush and plunger in a toilet tank bag helps save space in your bathroom, ensuring that they are easily accessible whenever you need them. This unique storage method adds a touch of convenience and organization to your bathroom while keeping your toilet brush and plunger out of sight.


To sum up, there are several convenient and hygienic ways to store your toilet brush and plunger. You can use a caddy or hang a hook on the wall for easy access and quick drying. A closed container or a wall-mounted rack can keep your bathroom neat and clutter-free. If you have limited space, consider placing them in a corner cabinet or using a shelf unit.

You can even put them in a toilet paper holder or a toilet tank bag for a creative option. With these storage ideas, you can keep your bathroom organized and maintain a clean and hygienic environment. You can find the perfect storage solution for your toilet brush and plunger with a little creativity and consideration. We hope you now understand how to store toilet brush and plunger.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.How Do You Store A Toilet Plunger?

Ans: To store a toilet plunger effectively, keep it clean and dry to prevent bacterial contamination. Opt for a plunger caddy or container designed for this purpose. If using a regular bucket, ensure it’s solely dedicated to the plunger and regularly cleaned. Always let the plunger dry completely before storing it to avoid mold growth.

2.Where Do People Keep Toilet Plungers?

Ans: Toilet plungers can be stored in various locations, such as under the bathroom sink, beside the toilet, or in a designated closet. Keeping them covered and separate from other bathroom items is important to prevent contamination. Some prefer using a plunger caddy or holder to keep it upright and off the floor. Ultimately, the storage location depends on personal preference and available space.

3.Where Should You Keep Your Toilet Brush?

Ans: To keep your toilet brush clean and hygienic, it is best to store it in a holder that allows for air drying between uses. Keep the holder and brush away from other bathroom items to prevent cross-contamination. Avoid placing the brush on the floor or in dirty areas to avoid spreading germs. Regularly clean and disinfect the holder for optimal hygiene.

4.What Do You Do With A Plunger After You Use It?

Ans: After using a plunger, remember to rinse it with hot water to remove residue. Ensure the plunger is completely dry before storing it in a clean, dry place away from other cleaning tools. Consider using a dedicated container or holder to keep it separate from other bathroom items.

5.Do You Have Any Products You Like To Hold Extra Toilet Paper?

Ans: Yes, there are various products available for holding extra toilet paper. Some popular options include freestanding toilet paper holders, wall-mounted holders, and storage baskets or containers. When choosing a product, consider your bathroom size and style preferences. Look for products that are easy to clean and durable.